Quantum Meets Industry by heiInnovation

The application of quantum systems to the solution of hard industrial problems has gained enormous interest over the last few years. In this work-shop, we will get hardware producers and users into one place to stimulate discussions.

The work-shop will take place in the afternoon of October 7th 2021. We currently plan with the following schedule:

Arrival until 2pm.

1. Session: Hardware

  • Start time: 2pm
  • End: about 3pm

After a short introduction we will start the hardware session. All speakers will present their platform for about ten minutes and then we will discuss open questions in a panel discussion. The topics are:

Quantum Accelators based on NV Centers

Mark Mattingley-Scott is the CEO of Quantum Brilliance Germany and he will present us their vision on quantum acceleration with NV centers.

Quantum computing on superconducting qubits

Daniel Egger is a researcher at IBM Zurich and deeply involved in the development of QISKIT. He will present to us the approach that IBM has taken to bring quantum computing to users.

Quantum simulation with cold atoms

Selim Jochim is professor at Heidelberg University and his group is pioneering the development of fermionic quantum simulators based on cold atoms.

Lab visits

After the hardware session, we will have a break for discussions and exchange. It will also be the occasion for the visitors to visit the labs and have a look a cold atom experiments to get a feeling for hardware requirements and capabilities.

2. Session: Industrial use

  • Start time: 4h30pm
  • End: about 5h30pm

In this second session we will discuss quantum technologies from a user perspective and how they would fit into different industrial branches. We will once again organize the session in a format that should encourage the exchange with the audience as much as possible. Speakers are

BASF and Quantum computing

Horst Weiss from BASF will tell us how they are approaching quantum computing and how they approach the industrialization of this new technology.

Quantum Computing: The NTT Strategy

NTT Data is an IT consulting company and a system integrator – that means we try to assemble the best technological solutions for our customers problems. But how can we integrate disruptive new technology into this process? In this talk, I’ll describe the approach we’ve taken to integrating quantum computing into our offerings at NTT Data and how our approach has resulted in effective processes, practices, and an exciting network of both new and established partners.

Energy problems and quantum computing

A quantum computing approach for a real-world application in the electro mobility sector is presented by Steve Lenk, researcher at Fraunhofer IOSB-AST in Ilmenau.


At the end we will finish the work-shop with a buffet to have a relaxed environment for further networking.