ultracold atoms


Harnessing quantum correlations


Tracing quantum waves

Dynamical Gauge Fields

Engineering high energy physics in table top experiments

ArTTA - applied Quantum Technology

Argon Trap Trace Analysis for water dating

ArTTA machine

Argon Trap Trace Analysis with 39Ar for water dating

Physical Computation

Calculations with quantum and neuromorphic hardware.

Detecting entanglement structure in continuous many-body quantum systems

A prerequisite for the comprehensive understanding of many-body quantum systems is a characterization in terms of their entanglement structure. The experimental detection of entanglement in spatially extended many-body systems describable by quantum …

Making water-cooled magnetic field coils

We recently installed new water-cooled magnetic field coils. Here, I will share our experiences when making these coils and discuss the experimental challenges we faced along the way.

Devices for labscript

Integration of a number of devices with labscript.


Pennylane plugin for labscript.