quantum simulation

Solving problems on quantum hardware

A one week workshop on quantum hardware together with IBMQ

Detecting entanglement structure in continuous many-body quantum systems

A prerequisite for the comprehensive understanding of many-body quantum systems is a characterization in terms of their entanglement structure. The experimental detection of entanglement in spatially extended many-body systems describable by quantum …

Stochastic dynamics of a few sodium atoms in a cold potassium cloud

We report on the stochastic dynamics of a few sodium atoms immersed in a cold potassium cloud. The studies are realized in a dual-species magneto-optical trap by continuously monitoring the emitted fluorescence of the two atomic species. We …

Glassy Dynamics in a Disordered Heisenberg Quantum Spin System

Scalable cold-atom quantum simulator for two-dimensional QED

We propose a scalable analog quantum simulator for quantum electrodynamics (QED) in two spatial dimensions. The setup for the U(1) lattice gauge field theory employs inter-species spin-changing collisions in an ultra-cold atomic mixture trapped in an …

Non-Abelian gauge invariance from dynamical decoupling

Lattice gauge theories are fundamental to such distinct fields as particle physics, condensed matter or quantum information theory. The recent progress in the control of artificial quantum systems already allows for studying Abelian lattice gauge …

From the Jaynes–Cummings model to non-abelian gauge theories: a guided tour for the quantum engineer

The design of quantum many body systems, which have to fulfill an extensive number of constraints, appears as a formidable challenge within the field of quantum simulation. Lattice gauge theories are a particular important class of quantum systems …

Solving problems on quantum hardware

A one week workshop on quantum hardware together with IBMQ

Can we run quantum circuits on ultra-cold atom devices?

In this blog-post, we present our path and thoughts towards using ultra-cold atom experiments for quantum computation. They are the result of a two month internship where we studied the feasibility of such an undertaking in our group. Many associate only universal devices, especially qubit devices, to be valid quantum computers. We show how we think of our ultra-cold atoms in terms of quantum circuits and implement first steps in the software framework [PennyLane](https://pennylane.ai/).

A scalable realization of local U(1) gauge invariance in cold atomic mixtures

In the fundamental laws of physics, gauge fields mediate the interaction between charged particles. An example is quantum electrodynamics -- the theory of electrons interacting with the electromagnetic field -- based on $U(1)$ gauge symmetry. Solving …